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0 New mobile templates for reading on the go

We know many of you like to view blog posts on your smartphones. However, it can be difficult at times because of the small screen size. This is why we are excited to announce our first launch of mobile templates! Initially available as opt-in functionality on Blogger in Draft, mobile templates will re-format your blogs for smartphones to enhance your readers’ viewing experience. In order to activate mobile templates, simply go to Dashboard Settings Email Mobile tab, enable the mobile template option and then save settings. o…» » source | + cache

See original post by Jiho Han , Software Engineer

Blogspot Tutorial , Blogger Tips n Tricks , latest blogger tips and tricks

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People like to bookmark your blog posts to different social bookmarking sites if they find something interesting content and find the easy bookmarking widget installed in your blog.None of your readers will visit digg or reddit to bookmark your blog there.They will bookmark only when they find social bookmarking widget installed in your blog post footer or other easy place.They will be more interested if they find something interesting with the social bookmarking widget......

Adding meta tags you can get get more traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,msn,etc,especially the meta description is the most important one.Meta tags allows search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words,Meta tags communicate with the search engines and tells more information about your site and make it index correctly and accurately.Meta search tags may not be as popular as they once were, but they are still important. Especially if you are running a website or blog and want to make sure that search engines can easily find your site and give it a good indexing. Though it's true that meta search tags are not the only factor in high search engine optimization, they still play a vital role. However, many people who utilize a Blogger blog find it difficult to add meta search tags.Here's how to add them to your Blogger blog......

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You are surely familiar with the Recent posts widget for blogger and you can integrate easily into blogger in few steps.But now, Its time to show recent posts widget with image thumbnails in blogger as it will shows your post images with the recent posts in your blog sidebar.Its so easy to implement it into your blogger templates just like the typical recent posts widget......

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Before that I never post how to create a horizontal Drop Down Menu Widget . May exist between blogger friends who find difficulty in putting the CSS code in the template editing stages,for it to post this time I tried to give a mild solution of horizontal CSS drop down menus.Here is a list of 17+ horizontal CSS drop down menus, adding drop down menus in blogger can benefit your readers to find out the intended posts of the blog with ease. There is nothing like widget for blogger menus, you suppose to add the menu with your own. To add drop down menu in blogger you need is just a little bit of CSS and HTML code and put that code at the right place in your blog and done......

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jQuery is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig. Used by over 27% of the 10,000 most visited websites, jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. Here some amazing use of jQuery Script for Bloggers and Web that is using now a day very popular.40+ jQuery Tips and Tricks For Bloggers and Web......

You’ve probably noticed that a lot of websites lately have a featured area with content that slides or changes in some way.content sliders are a great way to show large amount of content on a smaller area of a web page or blog. Dynamic auto sliding content sliders are a lot popular on numerous websites over the web.This is a great technique to show several pieces of content in a limited amount of space and a good way to engage the user.
Are you interested in implementing a content slider in your website? Checkout this list!Here I am going to teach you, how to add a featured content slider to your blogger / blogspot blogs.You're not sure what is it exactly? You`ll see below......

How to change mouse cursor in blogger blog to animated cursors. Many bloggers are asking such kind of questions but there is no tutorial available on the internet.I created this post because there are a blogger friend who asked how to change the pointer / cursor on the blogger. This you can do to decorate the look of blog.I take the cursor image from http://www.cursors-4u.com/ and you can change it anytime depends on your festive moods.This tutorial will help you to change the mouse cursor of your blog to animated cursors. As you can see in this blog, i haved installed a dark blue 3d cursor. You can also add it in your blogspot blogs and change it according to your will......

Now Friends you can use toggle show hide jquery in blogger footer.you can add this toggle show hide jquery your blog easily. it's really cool.Now I will tell you how to install......

Related posts widget is very important for a blog as it increases the number of page views and also help the visitor to view other related posts on the blog.Now here is wonderful hack for displaying links to related posts beneath each of your blog posts.At present there are many types of related post widget like with thumbnails by using Java script Using HTML etc... Here i am going to show a method which is very easy to install.It will show only title of related posts using jQuery.It will look like an image below......

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